Our Governors
The Governing Body at Sageston CP School are responsible for the strategic running of the school. They are committed to ensuring that the school is as successful as it can be. The Governing Body provides both effective support and rigorous challenge to the Headteacher, Senior Leadership and staff of the school as they aim to ensure that the vision for the school is a reality.
They play an active role in the day-to-day running of the school through full Governing Body meetings and subcommittees for Standards and Curriculum and Finance. Governors often visit the school as part of a rigorous monitoring programme which is in place.
Members of the Governing Body:
Mrs Rowena Lloyd
Vice Chairperson:
Mrs Kay Scourfield
Parent Governors:
Mrs Nina Probert
Mrs Anna Rue
Mrs Jessica Davies
Local Authority Governors:
Mrs Claire Ford
Mrs Kay Scourfield
Cllr Vanessa Thomas
Community Governors:
Mrs Marcia Allen
Mr Sion Jenkins
Mrs Rowena Lloyd
Mrs Jane Palmer
Staff Governors:
Mr N Davies (Assistant Headteacher)
Mrs E Macken (Learning Support Assistant)
Mr Adam Welch (Headteacher)