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Pupils can attend the nursery setting at Sageston CP School from the term after their third birthday.  This is on a part-time basis (mornings).  We have a playgroup setting (Ducklings) which provides wrap-around care so that your child can attend school full-time if necessary.  Please note: there is a charge for this provision.  Although funding through the Childcare Offer for Wales is available.  However, once a pupil turns four, they are entitled to attend school on a full-time basis. 

Applications for admission to Sageston CP School must be made through Pembrokeshire County Council's admissions procedures.  Please follow the link below for further information on the process.

We would recommend that you visit our wonderful, friendly and successful village school prior to making an application to ensure that you feel it is the right school for your child/ren.  Please contact the school to arrange a tour around the school with our Headteacher.